Wire fraud and Online fraud has become an epidemic which has impacted people from virtually every walk of life. Fraudsters are targeting Banks, the Mortgage industry, Corporations, School Districts, Hospitals, Municipalities and private individuals like yourself. Being the victim of online fraud can leave you both financially and mentally devastated. The most frustrating part of this type of crime is that by the time you realize that your financial investment or transaction was actually a scam, it's too late. Online fraud is not limited to just wire fraud. Every single day scammers take advantage of private individuals through online dating Websites, Facebook, Craig's List, and through countless bogus Websites selling everything from Time Share Resale's to puppies. These crooks target good people and, in particular, the elderly. Hiding behind their slick Websites, temporary telephone numbers and faux email addresses, fraudsters quickly disappear leaving you and your family in financial ruin.

According to the FBI's 2020 Internet Crime Report, the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) received 791,790, complaints with reported losses exceeding $4.2 billion last year. This is an increase from $3.5 billion in reported losses in 2019. Individuals who have lost $50,000, $250,000, or more have 72 hours to file a "Wire Recension" and sign a hold-harmless document with the receiving bank in order to facilitate the return of your funds. If you are past this 72 hour window and are ready to fight back, you need to call us as soon as possible. We can assist you.

Wire and Online Fraud Investigations are very specialized as unlike most criminals, online fraudsters have the benefit of using the Internet to conceal their identities and their actual whereabouts. As many victims quickly find out, local law enforcement is virtually helpless in trying to identify online scammers, especially when they are determined to be from a foreign country. This is precisely why you need us. With over 35 years of experience in this industry we have the training, expertise, and resources to identify and track down the perpetrators wherever they are. We can also assist you in bringing these individuals to justice. While every case is different, we work diligently to help our clients navigate this very difficult and complex process. Most importantly, we always work to provide the best possible outcome based upon each client's specific circumstances.

After we have identified the parties responsible for the fraud, we can coordinate with State, Federal and even Foreign law enforcement agencies to facilitate and push them to prosecute the online crime(s). We can also assist our clients in the recovery of their funds (where applicable) through Civil Litigation, Insurance Claims and through Criminal Complaints with the appropriate law enforcement agencies. Don't just sit back and be the victim of online fraudsters. Fight back. Call us today!